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After an arial shot of the city, we close-up on the imposing edifice of the International Gallery.



A golden chalice is surrounded by a high-tech energy field. Armed guards arrive.

GUARD 1 : Positions.

The guards take position at each corner of the field. The Head Guard sets the alarm.

HEAD GUARD : 'Night, boys.

A small hole opens at the top of the dome situated directly above the chalice revealing a black-clad figure. The figure then lowers itself by wires headfirst. It switches out the chalice and presses a button on its belt to raise itself. One of the guards turns to see a statue of a cat waving. The figure runs through one of the exhibit halls, stops and removes the balaklava covering it’s face. It is a woman with long black hair. The alarm is raised and she sighs.



She stops when she sees her male accomplice being arrested.

WOMAN : Sorry, lover.

She runs in the opposite direction and out to a busy street where the police are searching for her. As the detective in charge arrives and seems to be heading in her direction, she jumps on a bus.



WOMAN : Hello. I'm so terribly sorry. That card paying device thing, that's a Lobster card, am I right ?

DRIVER : Oyster card.

WOMAN : Ah, well, that's the problem, you see. I only use my Oyster when there's an R in the month.

DRIVER : It's April.

Back on the street, the Detective is directing his men.

DETECTIVE : Go, go, go !

WOMAN (takes off earrings) : Diamonds. Genuine. (drops them in his palm). Drive !

DRIVER : Works for me.

As the woman takes a seat, we see a man from the shins down, walking towards the bus, he boards and swipes his card.

DRIVER : You're just in time, mate.

The man takes a sit next to the woman and we see it’s the Doctor. He holds out a chocolate egg.

DOCTOR : Hello, I'm the Doctor ! Happy Easter !





The Detective is directing officers.

DETECTIVE : Right, close off the area, get all these people cleared. She has got to be here somewhere.

The Officer speaks into his radio.

OFFICER : Robinson, clear the road. Get the whole place sealed off !

As he turns around, the Detective sees the woman on the bus.

DETECTIVE : She's on the bus ! She's on the... Come on ! Get the car ! It's definitely her. Come on, move it ! (runs to the car and gets in). Jackson, follow that bus !

Sirens on, the police cars follow the bus.



The Doctor is talking to the woman.

DOCTOR : Funny thing is, I don't often do Easter. I can never find it, it's always at a different time. Although I remember the original. Between you and me, what really happened was...

There is a beeping sound and the Doctor hands the woman the chocolate egg as he reaches into his pocket.

DOCTOR : Oh, sorry, hold on to that for me. Actually, go on, have it, finish it. It's full of sugar and I'm determined to keep these teeth. (bares his teeth then pulls a gadget from his pocket). Ah ! Oh, we've got excitation ! (shakes it, garnering strange looks from another passenger). I'm picking up something very strange.

WOMAN : I know the feeling.

She looks out the window.



The police are in pursuit of the bus.

DETECTIVE (into radio) : All units in pursuit, registration Whisky nine seven four, Golf Hotel Mike. They're heading for the Gladwell Road Tunnel. Please stop all traffic. Seal off the North End.

The bus enters the tunnel.



A female officer is watching the bus on a monitor.

FEMALE OFFICER : The bus has entered the south entrance of the tunnel.



The police are in pursuit of the bus.

FEMALE OFFICER (over radio) : Officers in pursuit. Units now arriving at the North entrance.

A group of police cars pull up, blacking the tunnel. A uniformed Officer steps from the car and speaks into his radio.

OFFICER : Tango 183 at the far end, sir. I've sealed off the exit. There's no way out, over.



The Detective’s car is following the bus.

DETECTIVE : I'm right behind. We've got her !



The Doctor is talking to the woman but she is ignoring him.

DOCTOR : Rhondium particles, that's what I'm looking for. This thing detects them. (taps gadget). The little dish should go round, that little dish there...

WOMAN : Right now, a way out would come in pretty handy. Can you detect me one of those ?

One of the passengers, black woman, looks at her husband.

BLACK WOMAN : Lou, can you hear them ?

LOU : Hear what, sweetheart ?

BLACK WOMAN : The voices. So many voices. Calling to us. Calling so far.

DOCTOR : Oh, the little dish is going round !

WOMAN : Fascinating.

DOCTOR : And round. Whoa...

The dish spins faster until part of the gadget explodes. A female passenger looks at him.

FEMALE PASSENGER : Excuse me. Do you mind ?

DOCTOR (stands) : Sorry. That was my little dish.

WOMAN : Can't you turn that thing off ?

DOCTOR (turns back) : What was your name ?

WOMAN : Christina.

DOCTOR : Christina, hold on tight. (sits next to Christina and grabs the handle). Everyone, hold on !

The bus lurches and shakes and the passengers scream as they jerk forwards. The Doctor falls to the floor.

BLACK WOMAN : The voices ! Oh, the voices, they're screaming !

One of the windows shatters and sparks fly from the overhead wires. A young man falls down the stairs from the upper deck.

YOUNG MAN : What's going on ?!

There is a blinding light and more windows shatter. The Doctor moves forwards to the driver.



More police have arrived to blockade the tunnel.

OFFICER (into radio) : Tango 183. Units in position, sir. Uh, sorry to report, but, er, no sign of the bus. Over.



The Detective is standing in the middle of the tunnel.

DETECTIVE : It's gone. Right in front of me. The bus has just... gone.



DETECTIVE (over radio) : Over.



The Doctor gets up off the floor and looks around. Sunlight is streaming through the windows. He walks to the door, opens it and looks out onto a desert.

DOCTOR : End of the line. (steps out). Call it a hunch, but I think we've gone a little bit further than Brixton.

Christina and the other passengers follow him. The top deck of the bus is crushed and smoke is wafting from it. There is nothing else around them.



The bus and its passengers appear on a screen. A pincer taps the screen and we hear chitterin.



LOU : We should get out ! Even if that's the Sahara, we can't stay on board this thing.

BLACK WOMAN : I'm not going out there ! They're still calling. All around us. The voices are crying.

LOU : What voices, sweetheart ?

BLACK WOMAN : The Dead... We're surrounded by the Dead.



The Doctor, practically lying on the ground, lets the sand sift through his fingers.

FEMALE PASSENGER : That's impossible. There are three suns. Three of them !

BLACK YOUTH : Like when all those planets were up in the sky !

YOUNG MAN : But it was Earth that moved back then, wasn't it ?

BLACK YOUTH : Oh, man, we're on another world !

DRIVER : It's still intact, though ! Not as bad as it looks. The chassis's still holding together. Oh, my boss is gonna murder me !

FEMALE PASSENGER : Can you still drive it ?

DRIVER : Oh, no, the wheels are stuck. Look at them, they're never gonna budge.



The Detective approaches the Officer.

DETECTIVE : Dennison, listen. We've sealed off the far end, nothing is to come through.

DENNISON : But I don't understand, sir. How can a bus just disappear ?



Christina has taken off her jacket and is wearing a black short-sleeve top. She puts on a pair of sunglasses.

CHRISTINA : Ready for every emergency.

The Doctor looks up at her, removes his glasses and uses the sonic screwdriver on them. He then puts them back on, now tinted.

DOCTOR : Me too !

He continues to examine the sand.

CHRISTINA : And what's your name ?

DOCTOR : I'm the Doctor.

CHRISTINA : Name, not rank.

DOCTOR : The Doctor.

CHRISTINA : Surname ?

DOCTOR : The Doctor.

CHRISTINA : You're called 'the Doctor' ?

DOCTOR : Yes, I am.

CHRISTINA : That's not a name, that's a psychological condition.

DOCTOR : Funny sort of sand, this. There's a trace of something else. (puts some on the tip of his tongue to taste it). Ack. Eurgh. Blah, that's not good.

CHRISTINA : Well, it wouldn't be, it's sand.

DOCTOR : No, it tastes like... (stands). Never mind.

CHRISTINA : What is it, what's wrong ?

The other passengers come over, the black youth pointing at the Doctor.

BLACK YOUTH : Hold on a minute, I saw you, mate ! You had that thing, that machine. Did you make this happen ?

DOCTOR: Oh, humans on buses, always blaming me. If you must know, I was tracking a hole in the fabric of reality. Call it a hobby. But it was a tiny little hole, no danger to anyone. Suddenly it gets big, and we drive right through it.

DRIVER : But then where is it ? There's nothing, there's just sand !

DOCTOR : All right. If you want proof, (reaches down and picks up some sand) we drove through this.

The Doctor throws the sand at the space behind the bus, revealing a swirling vortex which soon disappears.



The vortex appears briefly at the mouth of the tunnel.

DETECTIVE : What the hell was that ?



CHRISTINA : And that's ?

DOCTOR : A door. A door in space.

DRIVER : So what you're saying is, on the other side of that is home ? We can get to London through there ?

DOCTOR : The bus came through, but we can't.

DRIVER (looks at the others) : Well, then what are we waiting for ?

DOCTOR : Oh, no, don't.

DRIVER (heads for the portal) : I'm going home, mate !

DOCTOR : I said don't !

The Driver hits the portal and screams as his body catches fire.



The body of the Driver, now a skeleton, continues its forward momentum, crumbling to the ground the moment it is through. The Detective and the police are stunned.



BLACK YOUTH : He was a skeleton, man ! He was bones, just bones !



The Detective looks at the still-smoking bones.

DETECTIVE : Dennison, uh... I think we're out of our depth here. We need experts. (into radio) Get me UNIT. Emergency Code One !



DOCTOR (walks back to the bus) : It was the bus. Look at the damage, that was the bus protecting us. Great big box of metal.

CHRISTINA : Rather like a Faraday cage ?

The young man is comforting the female passenger.

YOUNG MAN : Like in a thunderstorm, yeah ? Safest place is inside a car, cos the metal conducts the lightning right through. We did it in school.

CHRISTINA : But if we can only travel back inside the bus... A Faraday cage needs to be closed. That thing's been ripped wide open.

DOCTOR : Slightly different dynamics with a wormhole. There's enough metal to make it work, I think. I hope.

CHRISTINA : Then we have to drive five tonnes of bus, which is currently buried in the sand, and we've got nothing but our bare hands. Correct ?

DOCTOR : I'd say nine and a half tonners, but the point still stands, yes.

CHRISTINA : Then we need to apply ourselves to the problem with discipline ! Which starts with appointing a leader.

DOCTOR : Yes, at last, thank you, so...

CHRISTINA : Well, thank goodness you've got me ! Everyone do exactly as I say ! Inside the bus immediately !

YOUNG MAN : Is it safe in there ?

CHRISTINA : I don't think anything's safe any more, but if it's a choice between baking in there or roasting out here, I'd say baking is slower. Come on ! All of you. Right now ! And you. 'The Doctor'.

DOCTOR : Yes, ma'am.

CHRISTINA : Up ! Come on !



CHRISTINA : Point five, the crucial thing is, do not panic. Quite apart from anything else, the smell of sweat inside this thing is reaching atrocious levels. We don't need to add any more. Point six. Team identification. Names. I'm Christina, this man is apparently 'the Doctor'.

DOCTOR : Hello.

CHRISTINA : And you ?

YOUNG MAN (waves) : Nathan.

BLACK YOUTH : I'm Barclay.

FEMALE PASSENGER : Angela, Angela Whittaker.

LOU : My name's Louis, everyone calls me Lou, and this is Carmen.

CHRISTINA : Excellent. Memorise those names. There might be a test. Point seven, assessment and application of knowledge. Over to you, the Doctor.

DOCTOR : I thought you were in charge.

CHRISTINA : I am. And a good leader utilises her strength. You seem to be the brainbox. So, start boxing.

DOCTOR (sits on the back of his seat) : Right. So, the wormhole. We were in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was just an accident.

CARMEN : No, it wasn't. That thing, the doorway. Someone made it. For a reason.

DOCTOR : How do you know ?

LOU : She's got a gift. Ever since she was a little girl, she can just... tell things. We do the lottery, twice a week.

CHRISTINA : You don't look like millionaires.

LOU : No, but we win ten pounds. Every week, twice a week, ten pounds. Don't tell me that's not a gift !

DOCTOR (hides his hand behind his back, showing three fingers) : Tell me, Carmen. How many fingers am I holding up ?

CARMEN : Three.

The Doctor adds another finger.

CARMEN : Four.

DOCTOR : Very good ! Low level psychic ability, exacerbated by an alien sun. (sits down across from her). What can you see, Carmen ? Tell me. What's out there ?

CARMEN : Something... Something is coming. Riding on the wind. And shining.

DOCTOR : What is it ?

CARMEN : Death. Death is coming.

ANGELA (weeping) : We're going to die.

BARCLAY : I knew it, man, I said so.

NATHAN : We can't die out here. No-one's gonna find us.

The passengers’ voices begin to overlap.

CHRISTINA : This isn't exactly helping.

BARCLAY : Shut up, we're not your soldiers.

NATHAN : It's not doing any good...

LOU : You’re upsetting her, be quiet.

NATHAN : Will we be bones, like the bus driver ?!

CHRISTINA : Stop whimpering, all of you !

DOCTOR : All right now. Stop it, everyone, stop it !

The arguing stops and the only sound is Angela crying. The Doctor stands in front of her and grips her shoulders.

DOCTOR : Angela, look at me. Angela, Angela, answer me one question, Angela. That's it, at me, at me. (she stops crying and looks at him). There we go, Angela, just answer me one thing. When you got on this bus, where were you going ?

ANGELA : Doesn't matter now, does it ?

DOCTOR : Answer the question.

ANGELA : Just home.

DOCTOR : And what's home ?

ANGELA : Me, and Mike and Suzanne, that's my daughter. She's 18.

DOCTOR : Suzanne. Good. (sits and looks at Barclay). What about you ?

BARCLAY : Dunno. Going round Tina's.

DOCTOR : Who’s Tina ? Your girlfriend ?

BARCLAY : Not yet.

Gives a small smile.

DOCTOR : Good boy. What about you, Nathan ?

NATHAN : Bit strapped for cash, I lost my job last week. I was gonna stay in. Watch TV.

DOCTOR : Brilliant. And you two ?

LOU : I was going to cook.

CARMEN : It's his turn tonight. Then I clear up.

DOCTOR : What's for tea ?

LOU : Chops. Nice couple of chops and gravy. Nothing special.

DOCTOR : Oh, that's special, Lou. That is so special. Chops and gravy. Mmm ! What about you, Christina ?

CHRISTINA : I was going... so far away.

DOCTOR : Far away. Chops and gravy. Watching TV. Mike and Suzanne and poor old Tina.


DOCTOR : Just think of them. ‘Cos that planet out there, all three suns and wormholes and alien sand, that planet is nothing. You hear me ? Nothing compared to all those things waiting for you. Food and home and people. Hold on to that. Cos we're gonna get there. I promise. I'm gonna get you home.


A small convoy of trucks and cars advances towards the tunnel as UNIT arrives to take charge of the situation.

SOLDIER 1 : Section One, assume position ! Section Two, assume position !

SOLDIER 2 : Section Three, assume position !

SOLDIER 3 : Section Four, assume position !

The soldiers take up position in front of the tunnel, rifles aimed at the mouth. Two more take the tarp off a machine gun mounted on the bed of a truck.

SOLDIER 1 : Spread out !

SOLDIER 2 : Take basic intervention mode !

A female officer steps out from one of the cars.

FEMALE OFFICER : Isolate the area !

SOLDIER 1 : Yes, ma'am.

He leaves.

FEMALE OFFICER : Establish an exclusion zone. Any media, move them back. Any trouble, arrest them.

SOLDIER 2 : Yes, Ma'am.

He leaves.

FEMALE OFFICER : I want the vehicles in the standard Procedure Five layout. All outreach officers will report to me via Sergeant Calhoon, is that understood ?

SOLDIER 3 : Yes, Ma'am.

He leaves.

DETECTIVE : Captain, I'm Detective Inspector McMillan.

CAPTAIN : Clear the area, thank you.

McMILLAN : Yes, but I was here when the... thing... the bus, with the...

CAPTAIN : I've read the report. Now clear the area ! Pandovski, get these men out of the zone.

McMILLAN (is stopped by the soldiers) : There's somebody on that bus... She's mine !

SOLDIER : Just move back, sir.

McMILLAN : All right.

The Captain comes to stand behind the soldiers.

CAPTAIN : Perimeter guard, stand ready. Stay alert. Any hostile activity, shoot to kill.



Barclay and Nathan come out of the bus holding seat cushions. The Doctor meets them.

DOCTOR : Here we go ! That's my boys ! We lay a flat surface between the bus and the wormhole, like duckboards, and reverse into it !

CHRISTINA : Let some air out of the tyres, just a little bit. Spreads the weight of the bus, gives you more grip.

DOCTOR : Oh, that's good !

CHRISTINA : Holidays in the Kalahari.

BARCLAY : Yeah, but those wheels go deep.

CHRISTINA : Then start digging.

BARCLAY : With what ?

CHRISTINA : With this.

She reaches into her bag and pulls out a folding shovel. The Doctor takes it, opens it and then hands it to Barclay.

DOCTOR : Got anything else in there ?

CHRISTINA : Try that, might help with the seats.

Hands Nathan a small axe.

NATHAN : Thanks !

He takes axe and heads back to the bus.

ANGELA (inside the bus) : I can't find the keys.

DOCTOR (runs to the door) : Buses don't have keys. There's a master switch, one button for start, the other one for stop, yeah ?



Angela is in the driver’s seat.

ANGELA : Right. Hold on, oh, I've got it. (flicks a switch). Here we go, hold tight, ding ding !

She presses the start button but the engine only splutters and dies.



DOCTOR : Oh, that doesn't sound too good. (takes a look at the engine). Oh ! Never mind losing half the top deck, you know what's worse ? Sand. Tiny little grains of sand. The engine's clogged up.

Christina walks around to where Barclay and Nathan are working on the wheels.

CHRISTINA : Anyone know mechanics ?

BARCLAY : Me ! (stands). I did a two-week NVQ at the garage. Never finished it, but...

DOCTOR : Off you go then, try stripping the air filter, fast as you can. Back in two ticks.

The Doctor heads towards the dunes as Barclay goes to look at the engine.

CHRISTINA : Wait a minute ! (follows the Doctor). You're the man with all the answers. I'm not letting you out of my sight.

The same creature watches the Doctor and Christina as they walk through the sand.



The Doctor and Christina are in the middle of the desert, out of sight from the bus.

DOCTOR : Easier if you left that backpack behind.

CHRISTINA : Where I go, it goes.

DOCTOR : A backpack with a spade and an axe. Christina, who's going so far away, and yet scared by the sound of a siren. Who are you ?

CHRISTINA : You can talk. Let's just say we're two equal mysteries.

DOCTOR : We’d make quite a couple.

CHRISTINA : We don't make any sort of couple, thank you very much. Come on then. Tell me. If Carmen's right, if that wormhole's not an accident, then what is it ? Has someone done this on purpose ?

They stop walking.

DOCTOR : I don't know. But every single instinct of mine is telling me to get off this planet, right now.

CHRISTINA : And do you think we can ?

DOCTOR : I live in hope.

CHRISTINA : That must be nice. It's Christina de Souza. (holds out her hand). To be precise, Lady Christina de Souza.

DOCTOR (shakes her hand) : Ooh, that's handy. Cos I'm a Lord.

CHRISTINA : Seriously ? The Lord of where ?

DOCTOR : It's quite a big estate.

CHRISTINA : No, but there's something more about you. That device you were carrying, and the wormhole.

Like you knew. And the way you stride around this place, like...

DOCTOR : Like ?

CHRISTINA : Like you're not quite...

DOCTOR : Anyway ! Come on ! Allons-y !

Continues on.

CHRISTINA (follows) : Oui, mais pas si nous allons vers un cauchemar. [Yes, but not if we go towards a nightmare].

DOCTOR (laughs) : Oh, we were made for each other !

They stop on a high dune and look to the horizon.

DOCTOR : Ah. Don't like the look of that.

CHRISTINA (shades her eyes) : Storm clouds. Must be hundreds of miles away.

DOCTOR : Getting closer.

CHRISTINA : If that's a sand storm, we'll get ripped to shreds.

DOCTOR : It's a storm. Who says it's sand ?

They run back.



Carmen is sitting next to Lou, her eyes closed.

CARMEN : Closer... and closer and closer...

The Doctor gets on the bus followed by Christina and Barclay.

DOCTOR : Where is it ?

BARCLAY : There, there on the seat.

The Doctor picks up Barclay's mobile and using the sonic screwdriver on it.

CHRISTINA : You're hardly going to get a signal, we're on another planet !

DOCTOR : Oh, just watch me. Right, now, bit of hush, thank you. Gotta remember the number, very important number.


MAN (over phone) : Hello, Pizza Geronimo ?

DOCTOR (disconnects and redials) : And again ! Ah ! seven-six, not six-seven...

MAN (over phone) : This is the Unified Intelligence Taskforce. Please select one of the following four options.

DOCTOR : Oh, I hate these things !

ANGELA : No, if you keep your finger pressed on zero, you get through to a real person. I saw it on Watchdog !

DOCTOR : Thank you, Angela !

He sits.

WOMAN (over phone) : UNIT helpline, which department would you like ?

DOCTOR : Listen, it's the Doctor ! It's me !



A Soldier approaches the Captain with a mobile.

SOLDIER : Captain ! Urgent call, ma'am, relayed direct from HQ.

CAPTAIN : Who is it ?

SOLDIER : It’s him, ma’am. It's the Doctor.

The Captain takes the phone.



The Doctor listening to the Captain on speaker.

CAPTAIN : Doctor. This is Captain Erisa Magambo. (salutes). Might I say, sir, it's an honour.

DOCTOR : Did you just salute ?


DOCTOR : Erisa, it's about the bus. HQ said you're at the tunnel, yeah ?

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : And where are you ?

DOCTOR : I'm on the bus. But apart from that, not a clue, (looks out window) except it's very pretty and pretty dangerous.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : A body came through here. Have you sustained any more fatalities ?

DOCTOR : No, and we’re not going to. But I'm stuck. I haven't got the Tardis, and I need to analyse that wormhole.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : We have a scientific advisor on site, Dr Malcolm Taylor.



Inside surrounded by electronic equipment is Malcolm, an older man wearing large glasses and a lab coat.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO (v.o.) : Just the man you need, he's a genius.

DOCTOR (v.o.) : Oh, is he ? We'll see about that.

Captain Erisa enters the lab, shutting the door behind her.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : Here's the Doctor.

MALCOLM : No, I'm all right now, thanks. It was just a bit of a sore throat, although I've got to be honest, a cup of tea might be nice.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO (holds out the phone) : It's THE Doctor.

MALCOLM : Do you mean... “the Doctor” Doctor ?!

On the bus, the Doctor can hear their conversation.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : I know. We all want to meet him one day, but we all know what that day will bring.

DOCTOR (v.o.) : I can hear everything you're saying.

Malcolm is incredulous at the Doctor's voice.

MALCOLM : Hello, Doctor ? Oh, my goodness !

DOCTOR : Yes, I am. Hello, Malcolm !

MALCOLM (chuckles) : The Doctor ! Cor blimey. I can't believe I'm actually speaking to you ! I mean, I've read all the files !

DOCTOR : Really ? What was your favourite, the giant robot ? No, no hold on, let's sort out that wormhole. 'Scuse me.

He moves to the front of the bus.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : On speakerphone, please. I don't want anyone keeping secrets.

The Doctor is sitting in the driver’s seat. Christina stands behind him, listening.

DOCTOR : Malcolm, something's not making sense here. I've got a storm and a wormhole, and I can't help thinking there's a connection. I need a complete full-range analysis of that wormhole, the whole thing.

MALCOLM : I've probably got the wrong idea, but I've wired up an integrator. I thought it could measure the energy signature.

DOCTOR : No, that'll never work. Just listen to me.

MALCOLM : It's quite extraordinary, though ! I'm measuring an oscillation of 15 Malcolms per second.

DOCTOR : Fifteen what ?

MALCOLM : Fifteen Malcolms. It's my own little term. A wavelength parcel of ten kilohertz operating in four dimensions equals one Malcolm.

DOCTOR : You named a unit of measurement after yourself ?

MALCOLM : It didn't do Mr Watt any harm. Furthermore, 100 Malcolms equals a Bernard.

DOCTOR : And who's that, your dad ?

MALCOLM : Don't be ridiculous, that's Quatermass.

DOCTOR : Right. Fine. But before I die of old age, which in my case would be quite an achievement, so congratulations on that, is there anyone else I can talk to ?

MALCOLM : No, no, no, no, but listen ! I set the scanner to register what it can't detect and inverted the image.

DOCTOR : You did what ?

MALCOLM : Is that wrong ?

DOCTOR : No, Malcolm, that's brilliant ! So you can actually measure the wormhole. OK, I admit, that is genius !

MALCOLM : The Doctor called me a genius.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : I know, I heard.

DOCTOR : Now, run a capacity scan. I need a full report. Call me back when you've done it. And Malcolm ? You're my new best friend.

MALCOLM : And you're mine too, sir.

The Doctor ends the call.

DOCTOR : Barclay, I'm holding on to this.

He goes out the door.

BARCLAY : Then you'd better bring it back !

As the Doctor and Christina leave the bus, Nathan is still digging out the tires.



MALCOLM : You're mine... He's gone. He's gone.



The Doctor and Christina walk through the desert.

The same creature watches the Doctor and Christina as they walk through the sand.



DOCTOR : Send this back to Earth, see if Malcolm can analyse the storm.

Holds up Barclay's phone.

CHRISTINA : There's something in those clouds, something shining. Look...

DOCTOR : Like metal...

Takes a picture.

CHRISTINA : Why would there be metal in a storm ?



CARMEN : So fast and strong, they ride the storm. They are the storm.

LOU : But what are they ?

CARMEN : They devour.



While the Doctor is taking photos, Christina hears chirruping.

CHRISTINA : Did you hear something ?

DOCTOR : Hold on. Busy.

CHRISTINA : There was a noise, like a sort of...

She looks around. We then see the Doctor and Christina as if viewed through an insect’s eyes.

CHRISTINA : Doctor...

Christina has seen the insectoid creature watching them.



CARMEN : There's something new.



The creature approaches them, a weapon in its hand, and speaks. This is the creature that has been watching them. The Doctor answers in its language.

DOCTOR : That's ‘wait’. I shout ‘wait’, people usually wait.

CHRISTINA : You speak the language ?

DOCTOR : Every language.

The Doctor and the creature speak.

DOCTOR : That's begging for mercy.

It motions with its gun.

CHRISTINA : That means 'move'.

DOCTOR : Ooh ! You're learning.

The creature marches them off in front of it.

CHRISTINA : These fly things, they must be responsible. They brought us here.

They arrive at the creature’s crashed ship.

DOCTOR : No, no, no, no, no ! Look at the ship, it's a wreck. They crashed, just like us.



The interior of the ship looks like they have been trying to make repairs, wires and electronics exposed.

CHRISTINA : But this place is freezing !

DOCTOR : The hull's made of Photafine steel. Turns cold when it's hot. Boiling desert outside, freezing ship inside. Since I met you, Christina, we've been through all the extremes !

CHRISTINA : That's how I like things. Extreme.

DOCTOR : Oh, this is beautiful ! Intact, it must have been magnificent. A proper streamlined deep-spacer !

CHRISTINA : I'll remember that as I'm being slowly tortured. At least I'm bleeding on the floor of a really well-designed spaceship !

A second creature joins them and touches a device attached to his clothes.

DOCTOR : Oh, right, good, yes, hello ! That's a telepathic translator. He can understand us.

CHRISTINA : Still sounds like gibberish to me.

DOCTOR : That's what I said, he can understand us. Doesn't work the other way round. (translates) "You will suffer for your crimes.” Et cetera. “You have committed an act of violence against the Tritovore race." Tritovores, they're called Tritovores. "You came here in the 200 to destroy us." Sorry, what's the 200 ?

CHRISTINA : It's the bus. Number 200, they mean the bus.

DOCTOR : Oh ! No, look, I think you're making the same mistake Christina did. I'm the Doctor, by the way, and this is Christina, the Honourable Lady Christina, at least I hope she's honourable ! But we got pulled through that wormhole. The 200 doesn't look like that normally. It's broken, just the same as you.

The Tritovores talk to each other. They lower their guns.

CHRISTINA : What are they doing ?

DOCTOR : They believe me.

CHRISTINA : What, as simple as that ?

DOCTOR : I've got a very honest face. And the translator says I'm telling the truth. Plus, the face. Right ! So, first things first, there's a very strange storm heading our way, can you send out a probe ?

The Doctor makes his way to a control panel, followed by the Tritovore with the translator who speaks to him.

DOCTOR : Ah, they've lost power. Hmm, the crash knocked the mainline crystallography out of synch. But if I can jiggle it back... (his kicks the panel and the power comes back on). I thank you ! (the Tritovore chitters). Yes, I am ! Frequently. Okey-doke, let's launch that probe.



The probe flies out from the ship and into the sky.



The Doctor and Christina watch the picture sent back from the probe as a hologram projection.

DOCTOR : The Scorpion Nebula. We're on the other side of the universe. Just what you wanted, so far away. (the probe zooms in). The planet of San Helios.

CHRISTINA : And that's us ? We're on another world.

DOCTOR : We have been for quite a while.

CHRISTINA : I know, but seeing it like that...

DOCTOR : It's good, isn't it ?

CHRISTINA : Wonderful.

The Tritovores tell their story.

DOCTOR : The Tritovores were going to trade with San Helios. Population of one hundred billion. Plenty of waste matter for them to absorb.

CHRISTINA : By waste matter, you mean ?

DOCTOR : They feed off what others leave behind. From their... behind, if you see what I mean. It's perfectly natural. They are flies.

CHRISTINA : Charming. Just remind me never to kiss them.

The projection now shows a thriving city with trees and green parks.

DOCTOR : San Helios City.

CHRISTINA : That's amazing. But you've seen this sort of thing before, haven't you ?

DOCTOR : Thousands of times.

CHRISTINA : That Lordship of yours... The Lord of where, exactly ?

DOCTOR : Of Time. I come from a race of people called Time Lords.

CHRISTINA : You're an alien ?

DOCTOR : Yeah. But you don't have to kiss me either.

CHRISTINA : You look human.

DOCTOR : You look Time Lord. Anyway !

CHRISTINA : So if that's San Helios, all we need to do is find that city. They can help us !

DOCTOR : I don't think it's that simple. (the projection changes to the desert). We're in the city right now.

CHRISTINA : But it's sand ! That first image, the temples and things, what's that, then ? Ancient history ?

One of the Tritovores chirrups.

DOCTOR : The image was taken last year.

CHRISTINA : It became a desert in one year ?

DOCTOR (bends over) : I said there was something in the sand. (sand falls through his fingers). The city, the oceans, the mountains, the wildlife and 100 billion people, turned to sand. All those voices in Carmen's head. She's hearing them die.

CHRISTINA : But I've got sand in my hair. That's dead people ! Oh, that's disgusting ! Oh !

DOCTOR : Something destroyed the whole of San Helios.

CHRISTINA : Yes, but in my hair !

The mobile rings and the Doctor pulls it from his pocket.



Malcolm is sitting in his chair and has the Doctor on speakerphone. Captain Erisa is there as well.

DOCTOR : Malcolm ! Tell me the bad news !

MALCOM : Oh, you are clever ! It is bad news ! It's the wormhole, Doctor, it's getting bigger ! We've gone way past 100 Bernards, I haven't invented a name for that.

DOCTOR : How can it get bigger by itself ?

MALCOLM : Well, that's why I'm phoning ! You'll work it out, if I know you, sir.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : Doctor, we estimate the circumference of your invisible wormhole is now four miles, heading upwards. I've grounded all flights above London. We can't risk anyone else falling through.

DOCTOR : Good work, both of you.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : But I have to know. Does that wormhole constitute a danger to this planet ?

The phone beeps and the Doctor looks at it.

DOCTOR : Oh, sorry, call waiting, gotta go.

Switches off.



CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : Call waiting ?!

MALCOLM : He's a devil, that one !



The Doctor switches calls.

DOCTOR : Yep ?



The five are sitting on the seats, Barclay comforting Angela.

NATHAN : Doctor, it's Nathan. We got those duckboard things down, but...

ANGELA : It's my fault.

NATHAN : No, it's not, don't say that.

DOCTOR : Why, what’s happened ?

NATHAN : We kept on turning the engine, but... We're out of petrol. Used it all up. Even if we can get those wheels out... This bus is never going to move.

The Doctor lowers the phone.

CHRISTINA : What is it, what's wrong ? Doctor, tell me.

NATHAN : You promised you'd get us home. Doctor ? Are you still there ?

CHRISTINA : Doctor, tell me, what did he say ?

A beeping comes from one of the monitors and the Tritovores chirrup excitedly.

DOCTOR : It's the probe. It's reached the storm.

CHRISTINA : And what's he saying ?

DOCTOR : It's not a storm.


The probe flies through a mass of creatures that look like flying manta rays sending video back to the ship.



The Doctor and Christina stand.

CHRISTINA : It's a swarm. Millions of them.

DOCTOR : Billions.



One of the creatures flies straight at the probe, its mouth open showing sharp teeth. The connection is lost.



DOCTOR : Ah ! We've lost the probe. I think it got eaten. Everything on this planet gets eaten.

CHRISTINA : How far away is that swarm ?

DOCTOR : Hundred miles. But at that speed, it'll be here in twenty minutes.

The Tritovore chirrups.

DOCTOR : No, they're not just coming for us. They want the wormhole.

CHRISTINA : They're heading for Earth !

DOCTOR : Show the analysis.

One of the Tritovores pulls up a 3D image of the creatures.

DOCTOR : Incredible ! They swarm out of a wormhole, strip the planet bare, then move on to the next world, start the life cycle all over again.

CHRISTINA : So, they make the wormholes ?

DOCTOR : They must do.

CHRISTINA : But how ? They don't exactly look like technicians. And if the wormhole belongs to them, why are they 100 miles away ?

DOCTOR : Because they need to be ? No. That's bonkers. Hang on ! Yes ! Oh ! Do you see ? Billions of them, flying in formation, all around the planet, round and round and round, faster and faster and faster, till they generate a rupture in space ! The speed of them, and the numbers, and the size, all of that rips the wormhole into existence !

CHRISTINA : And the wormhole's getting bigger ?

DOCTOR : Because they're getting closer !

CHRISTINA : But how do they get through ? Cos that wormhole's a killer, we've seen it !

DOCTOR : No, no, see the exo-skeleton ?


DOCTOR : They've got bones of metal ! They eat metal, and extrude it into the exo-skeleton ! So their velocity makes the wormhole, then their body makes it safe ! Perfect design !

CHRISTINA : Those things are going to turn the entire Earth into a desert. So why exactly are you smiling ?

DOCTOR : Worse it gets, the more I love it !




The swarm gathers speed and there is a squealing sound as they cut through the air.



There is a loud rumbling heard.

NATHAN : Sounds like a storm.

ANGELA : If it rains, we've got water.

CARMEN : No water. All of it, dust. But the girl...

LOU : Don't now, sweetheart. What girl ?

CARMEN : The girl, she will fly.



CHRISTINA : The thing is, Doctor, you're missing the obvious. We came here through the wormhole, yes ? But our Tritovore friends didn't. They came here to trade with San Helios. Therefore, the question is, why did they crash ?

DOCTOR : Ah, good question ! What a team ! Like she said, why did you crash ?



One of the Tritovores leads them to another room where there is a large open hole in the floor.

DOCTOR : Oh, yes. Gravity Well, look. Goes all the way down to the engine. So what happened ? (alien chirrups). He says the drive system stalled. Ten miles up, they fell out of the sky. But what caused that ?

The Tritovore shrugs.

CHRISTINA : Which means, ‘no idea’.

DOCTOR : Yeah. But wait a minute, that's a crystal nucleus down there, yes ? (Tritovore answers). And it looks like it survived the crash. If the crystal's intact... Oh, yes, that's better than diesel !

CHRISTINA : What, you can use the crystal to move the bus ?

DOCTOR : I think so. The spaceship's a write-off, but the 200's small enough.

CHRISTINA : How does a Crystal drive a bus ?

DOCTOR : In a super-clever outer-spacey way, just trust me ! (pulls up a feed on a monitor). There's the crystal ! It's fallen to the bottom of the well. Have you got access shafts? (Tritovore answers). All frozen ? Maybe I can open them ! Internal comms, put that on. (gives Christina a Bluetooth-like device and runs for the door). You stay here, keep an eye on the shaft. Tell me if anything happens.

Leaves followed by the Tritovore. Christina removes her pack and sits at the edge of the well, a smile crossing her face.



The Doctor rushes to a bank of machinery.

DOCTOR : If I can use that sunlight to start the automatic maintenance. Christina ?



DOCTOR (pulls out some cables) : If you see a panel opening in that shaft, let me know.

CHRISTINA (puts on a harness) : Nothing yet.

DOCTOR (connects cables) : Anything now ?

CHRISTINA (puts her hair up) : 'Fraid not.

DOCTOR : Any sign of movement ?


DOCTOR : How's that ?

CHRISTINA : Nothing.

Sets up a wire cable and winch.

DOCTOR : Any result ?

CHRISTINA : Not a dickie bird. (attaches the cable to the harness). So let me get this right. You need that crystal ? (pulls a small torch from her bag and attaches it by Velcro to the harness). Then consider it done.

DOCTOR : Why, what d'you mean ? Christina ? Christina !

Runs to the well room.

CHRISTINA : The aristocracy survives for a reason. We're ready for anything.

Christina swan dives into the gravity well just as the Doctor enters.




Christina falls through the well, arms outstretched.



The Doctor uses the sonic screwdriver on the pulley.



Christina stops.



DOCTOR : That's better.



CHRISTINA : I decide when I stop, thank you.

DOCTOR : You're about to hit the security grid. Look !

There is a field of crackling energy just below her.

CHRISTINA : Excellent. So what do I do ?

DOCTOR : Try the big red button.

CHRISTINA (presses the button on the wall) : Well done !

DOCTOR : Now come back up ! I can do that.

CHRISTINA : Oh, don't you wish ?

DOCTOR : Slowly !

CHRISTINA : Yes, sir.

Continues head-first.

DOCTOR : Quite the mystery, aren't you ? Lady Christina de Souza. Carrying a winch in her bag.

CHRISTINA : No stranger than you, spaceman.

DOCTOR : I had this friend, once. She called me spaceman.

CHRISTINA : And was she right ? Do you zoom about the place in a rocket ?

DOCTOR : Well, a little blue box. Travels in more than space. It can journey through time, Christina. Oh, the places I've been. World War One. Creation of the universe, end of the universe, the war between China and Japan. (looks in her bag and sees the chalice she stole). And the Court of King Athelstan, in 924 AD. (lifts out the cup). But I don't remember you being there. So what are you doing with this ?

CHRISTINA : Excuse me. A gentleman never goes through a lady's possessions.

The Tritovore chirrups.

DOCTOR : It's the Cup of Athelstan. Given to the first King of Britain, as a coronation gift from Hywel, King of the Welsh. But it's been held in the International Gallery for 200 years, which makes you, Lady Christina, a thief.

CHRISTINA : I like to think I liberated it.

DOCTOR : Don't tell me you need the money.

CHRISTINA : Daddy lost everything. Invested his fortune in the Icelandic banks.

DOCTOR : No, no, no, if you're short of cash, you rob a bank. Stealing this, that's a lifestyle.

CHRISTINA : I take it you disapprove ?

DOCTOR : Absolutely. Except, that little blue box. I stole it. From my own people.

CHRISTINA : Good boy. You were right. We're quite a team.

There is a loud screeching from the lower levels of the ship.

CHRISTINA : What the blazes was that ?

DOCTOR : We never did find out why the ship crashed. Christina, I think you should come back up.

CHRISTINA : Too late. I can see it.

DOCTOR : Careful. Slowly. (to Tritovore) Have you got an open-vent system ? (alien answers). I thought so.

CHRISTINA : What does that mean ?

DOCTOR : It's like when birds fly into the engines of an aircraft.

Christina has reached the bottom and sees one of the creatures.

CHRISTINA : One of the creatures.

DOCTOR : Got trapped in the vents. Caused the crash. Christina, get out.


CHRISTINA : It's not moving, I think it's injured.

DOCTOR : No, it's dormant, because it's so cold down there. But your body heat is raising the temperature.

CHRISTINA : I tend to have that effect. Almost there.

Tries to release the crystal.

DOCTOR : Not just the crystal. I need the whole bed, the plate thing.

Christina lifts it from the ground just as the creature moves.

CHRISTINA : I've got it !

The Doctor uses the screwdriver on the winch.

DOCTOR : Come on, come on !

The creature follows Christina up the well.

DOCTOR : Come on, come on, come on, come on ! It's gonna eat its way up !

Christina hits the red button on the way up, turning on the field. The creature flies into it and shrieks.

DOCTOR : Oh, she's good !

Christina arrives at the top of the well and the Doctor swings her over to the side, taking the crystal and its couplings.

DOCTOR : That's it, that's it. I've got you, I've got you !

The Tritovore takes the crystal and chirrups at the Doctor.

DOCTOR : Isn't she just ?



The Doctor, Christina and the Tritovore run to the control room where the other Tritovore stands by the controls. The Doctor holds the crystal.

DOCTOR : Commander ! Mission complete ! Now we've got to get back to the 200, all of us. (Commander chitters) Oh, don’t be so daft! A captain can leave his ship if there's a bus standing by.

They hear a rumbling.

CHRISTINA : What the hell was that ? Is this place safe ? It's the creature. It's not dead.

DOCTOR : Maybe you didn't hit just one of them. If you hit a swarm...

CHRISTINA : Do you mean if there's more on board ?

DOCTOR : This ship's built inside a metal sleeve. They can move through the infrastructure, all around us.

The creature thuds against the wall.

DOCTOR : And they wake up hungry. Commander, you've got to come with us, right now !

CHRISTINA : You can come back to Earth, we'll find you a home !

DOCTOR : And that's the word of a lady ! Come on !

One of the Tritovores starts after the Doctor and Christina. As the second turns to follow, one of the creatures drops through the ceiling and eats it. The first Tritovore takes out its gun and prepares to shoot.

DOCTOR : No, don't !

The Tritovore advances and is eaten by the creature. The Doctor pushes Christina ahead of him as they leave.

DOCTOR : There's nothing we can do. Run !

The Doctor and Christina run through the corridors of the ship.



The Doctor and Christina race across the desert in front of the swarm.


The others see the swarm approaching, but still think it’s only a storm.

ANGELA : What sort of storm is that ?

CARMEN (knowing the Doctor and Christina are running) : Run ! Run, run, run, run, run !



The mobile rings.



MALCOLM : Doctor...

DOCTOR : Not now, Malcolm !

MALCOLM : Fair do's. He's a busy man.



They reach the bus. Nathan and Barclay stand at the door.

NATHAN : At last ! Where've you been ?!

DOCTOR : Get inside, get them sitting down. Now then, let's have a look.

Holds the crystal.

CHRISTINA : So what does that crystal do ?

DOCTOR (tosses it over his shoulder) : Oh, nothing, don't need the crystal.

CHRISTINA : I risked my life for that !

DOCTOR : No no, you risked your life for these. (unhooks one of the clamps). The clamps! (runs to the driver’s side front tire and attaches a clamp). One there. (rear tire). One there. (other rear tire). One there. (other front tire). And one there !

Goes inside the bus.



CHRISTINA : But what are the clamps for ? Do they turn the wheels ?

DOCTOR (sits in the driver’s seat) : Something like that. I just need to fix this. Have you got a hammer in that bag ?

CHRISTINA : Funnily enough.

Pulls a hammer from her bag.

DOCTOR : Phone, phone... (hands her the phone). Press redial.

Christina dials the phone as the Doctor hooks the “plate thing” to the steering wheel. Christina holds the phone to the Doctor's ear.

DOCTOR : Malcolm, it's me !



Malcolm pops up from the floor wearing very large goggles/binoculars.

MALCOLM : I'm ready !

DOCTOR : Ready for what ?

MALCOLM : I don't know ! You tell me !

DOCTOR : I'll try to get back. There might be something following us. You need to find a way to close the wormhole.

MALCOLM : Would that be a compressed burst of feedback on a counter-oscillation, perchance ?

DOCTOR : Oh, Malcolm ! You're brilliant !

MALCOLM : Coming from you, sir, that means the world.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : Doctor, what sort of something ? That wormhole is now measuring ten miles and growing, I need to know the exact nature of the threat.

DOCTOR : Sorry, gotta go.

Nods to Christina who ends the call.



CAPTAIN MAGAMBO (into radio) : All troops, mobilise and stand ready. Possible Code Red. Unknown !



SOLDIER 1 : Understood. Code Red ! Repeat, Code Red unknown !

SOLDIER 1 : Positions !

The soldiers take their positions and aim their rifles at the tunnel opening.



The Doctor is still working on the steering wheel. It sparks.

DOCTOR : Ah, it's not compatible ! Bus, spaceship, spaceship, bus. I need to weld the two systems together.

CHRISTINA : And how do you do that ?

DOCTOR : I need something non-corrosive, something malleable, something ductile, something... (looks at Christina). Gold.

CHRISTINA : Oh, no you don't.

DOCTOR : Christina, what is it worth now ?

Barclay comes forward offering his watch.

BARCLAY : Hey, hey, use this !

DOCTOR : I said gold.

BARCLAY : It is gold.

DOCTOR : Oh, they saw you coming. Christina !

Barclay heads back to his seat dejectedly. Christina looks at her bag and then looks back at the other passengers. She then takes out the cup and holds it out.

CHRISTINA : It's over 1,000 years old. Worth £18 million. Promise me you'll be careful.

DOCTOR (takes cup gently) : I promise.

Turns the cup upside-down and proceeds to bang it with the hammer.

CHRISTINA : I hate you.


Malcolm taps away at his keyboard and the computer beeps.

MALCOLM : Done it ! Transmit that, and the wormhole should close.


MALCOLM : Well, after the Doctor's come through, obviously.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : I'm sorry. Believe me. That wormhole constitutes a major threat, and I have a duty to every man, woman and child on this planet. It's got to be closed immediately.

MALCOLM : No, no, no.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : That's an order.

MALCOLM : No, no, no. No, we can't just abandon him ! He's the Doctor ! How many times has he saved our lives ? I won't let you, ma'am. I simply won't !

Erisa cocks her gun and aims it at Malcolm's head.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : Right now, soldier.



DOCTOR : This is your driver speaking ! Hold on tight !

BARCLAY : What for ? What's he doing ?

CHRISTINA : Do as he says ! (hushed to Doctor). What are you doing ?

DOCTOR (coaxes engine) : Come on, that's it... You can do it, you beauty ! One last trip !

The bus powers up and rattles. It then rises from the sand and the passengers in the back make sounds of astonishment.

BARCLAY (looks out window) : Ah, you are so kidding me !

NATHAN : We're flying ! It's flying !

LOU : He's flying the bus !

ANGELA : It's a miracle !

DOCTOR : Anti-gravity clamps. Didn't I say ? Round we go.

The Doctor turns the bus around so they are facing away from the oncoming swarm and aimed at the wormhole.

CARMEN (looks out back window) : Doctor ! They're coming !

The Doctor and Christina look out the side-view mirrors.



Malcolm holds his keyboard in front of him like a shield.

MALCOLM : I will never surrender. Never.



CHRISTINA : Do you think this thing will survive the journey back ?

DOCTOR : Only one way to find out ! Next stop...

CHRISTINA : Planet Earth !

Everyone holds on tight and yells as the Doctor propels the bus through the wormhole.



There is a flash of light before the wormhole becomes visible and the bus comes through and flies over the heads of those assembled.



The bus is flying above London.

BARCLAY : It's London !

ANGELA : We're back home !

NATHAN : He did it ! He did it !



One of Erisa's soldiers runs to the lab door.

SOLDIER : Captain !



SOLDIER (v.o.) : Captain ! They're back ! It's the bus, ma'am, it comes back. And it's flying !

Erisa Magambo lowers her gun and goes outside.



As Erisa Magambo comes out to see, three of the manta creatures fly through the wormhole.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : Code Red ! Fire at will !

The soldiers open fire on the creatures, some of the bullets reach the bus.



Malcolm peers out the window before going to answer his phone.



DOCTOR : Malcolm ! Close that wormhole !

MALCOLM : Yes, sir ! My pleasure, sir !

Goes to his computer.

DOCTOR : He's hung up on me !


Malcolm presses a button on his keyboard.


The electronics spark.

MALCOLM : Oh, no, no ! No !

One large spark sends him toppling over backwards in his chair.



The soldiers continue to fire at the creatures.



Malcolm tries to put out a fire. His phone rings.



DOCTOR : Malcolm ?

MALCOLM : Not now, I'm busy.

Sets phone down.

DOCTOR : He's hung up again !

Malcolm's phone rings again.

DOCTOR : Malcolm ! Listen to me !

MALCOLM : It's not working !

DOCTOR : I need that signal. We've got billions of those things about to fly through !

MALCOLM : Well, what do I do ?

DOCTOR : Loop it back through the integrator, and keep the signal ramping up.

MALCOLM : But by how much ?

DOCTOR : 500 Bernards ! Do it now !

Malcolm makes the adjustments on the computer and it works.




The wormhole closes.



Just as the rest of the creatures are about to reach it, the wormhole closes.



The UNIT soldiers continue to fire at the three creatures as they fly overhead.

SOLDIER 1 : Maintain rapid fire ! Fire !



Malcolm opens the door and puts on a scarf, coat and fingerless gloves.




CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : Target at nine o'clock ! (They fire at the creature. Even missiles don’t hurt it) I don't believe it, guns don’t work !



NATHAN : Doctor, it's coming for us !

One of the creatures heads for the open window, but swerves away like it’s playing with them.

DOCTOR : Oh, no, you don't !

Swerves the bus and bats the creature away.



CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : Twelve o'clock ! Take it out !

SOLDIER : Fire !

They fire at the creature and this time the missile brings it down.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : Cease fire !

SOLDIER : Cease fire !




CHRISTINA : Did I say I hated you ? I was lying.

Grabs the Doctor by the jacket and lays a long kiss on him. The others on the bus cheer and clap.

DOCTOR (looks stunned) : Do not stand forward of this point. Ladies and gentlemen, you have reached your final destination. Welcome home, the mighty 200.



Everyone watches as the bus comes in for a landing, bell ringing. Once it touches down safely, they applaud. The Doctor opens the bus door with the sonic screwdriver. Everyone gathers their belonging and puts on their jackets. A Soldier greets the passengers as they get off the bus.

SOLDIER : Welcome back. If you could step away from the bus to be safe. As fast as you can. It's standard procedure. We need to screen you, and then you'll all be taken to debriefing.

DOCTOR (holds up psychic paper) : I don't count.

CHRISTINA (makes to follow) : No, but Doctor...

SOLDIER (takes her arm) : With me, ma’am.

The Doctor heads towards Erisa, but Malcolm sees him.

MALCOLM : Doctor !

DOCTOR : You must be Malcolm !

MALCOLM (grabs the Doctor in a large hug) : Oh ! Oh, I love you. (ends the hug). I love you, I love you.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : To your station, Doctor Taylor.

MALCOLM : Yes, ma'am. (heads back to the lab but turns and points at the Doctor). I love you !

The Doctor points back with a smile and Malcolm continues on.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : Doctor, (salutes) I salute you, whether you like it or not. Now, I take it we're safe from those things ?

DOCTOR : They'll start again. Generate a new doorway. It's not their fault, it's their natural life cycle. But I'll see if I can nudge the wormholes on to uninhabited planets. Closer to home, Captain, those two lads, (looks at Barclay and Nathan) very good in a crisis. Nathan needs a job, Barclay's good with engines. You could do a lot worse. Privates Nathan and Barclay, UNIT's finest.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : I'll see what I can do.

Christina and the others are being tested for radiation with a handheld Geiger counter.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : And I've got something for you.

A tarp is dropped to reveal the TARDIS. The Doctor laughs and walks over to it.

DOCTOR : Better than a bus, any day ! Hello !

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : Found in the gardens of Buckingham Palace.

DOCTOR : Oh, she doesn't mind.

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : Now, I've got three dead alien stingrays to clear up. I don't suppose you fancy helping with the paperwork ?

DOCTOR : Not a chance !

CAPTAIN MAGAMBO : Till we meet again, Doctor.

DOCTOR : I hope so.

They shake hands and Erisa leaves. Angela is standing next to Nathan as she calls her daughter.

ANGELA : I said I'm back, Suzanne, I'm home ! (to Nathan) They didn't even know I was gone !

The Geiger counter monitoring Christina beeps loudly but she’s had enough.

CHRISTINA : That's quite enough of that !

Runs towards the Doctor.

McMILLAN (spots Christina) : She is not getting away this time.

CHRISTINA : Little blue box ! Just like you said ! Right then, off we go ! Come on, Doctor, show me the stars !



DOCTOR : I said no.

CHRISTINA : But I saved your life. And you saved mine.


CHRISTINA : We're surrounded by police. I'll go to prison.

DOCTOR : Yeah.

CHRISTINA : But you were right, it's not about the money. I only steal things for the adventure, and today, with you... I want more days like this. I want every day to be like this. We're made for each other, you said so yourself. The perfect team. Why not ?

DOCTOR : People have travelled with me and I've lost them. Lost them all. Never again.

McMillan arrives with uniformed officers.

McMILLAN : Lady Christina de Souza ! Oh, I have waited a long time to say this. I am arresting you on suspicion of theft.

DENNISON (handcuffs her hands behind her back) : You do not have to say anything, etcetera, etcetera. Dennison, take her away.

The Doctor does nothing as she is led away. Carmen and Lou come over to him.

CARMEN : Doctor ? You take care, now.

DOCTOR (smiles) : You too ! Chops and gravy, lovely !

CARMEN : No, but you be careful. Because your song is ending, sir.

DOCTOR (smile disappears) : What do you mean ?

CARMEN : It is returning. It is returning through the dark. And then, Doctor... Oh, but then... He will knock four times.

Carmen and Lou leave. The Doctor just stares ahead for a few moments. He then looks back to where Christina is being led to the police car. He uses the sonic screwdriver, unlocking the handcuffs. Christina lets them place her in the back seat and then scoots over, gets out the other side and runs for the bus. McMillan and Dennison give chase.

McMILLAN : No ! Stop that woman ! Stop that woman ! Stop her ! Don't just stand there, stop her !

Once in the bus, Christina closes the door. The Doctor saunters up to the bus.

McMILLAN : Open the door ! I'll add resisting arrest !

DOCTOR : I'd step back, if I were you.

McMILLAN : I'm charging you too ! Aiding and abetting !

DOCTOR : Yes, I'll just step inside this police box and arrest myself.

Heads back to the TARDIS.

McMILLAN : Out, now !

Christina waves and starts the bus. McMillan watches helplessly as it takes off.

McMILLAN : No ! Come back !

Everyone watches and laughs as Christina escapes.

ANGELA : Go on.

The Doctor stops by the TARDIS door and looks up as Christina stops the bus and opens the door.

CHRISTINA : We could've been so good together.

DOCTOR : Christina. We were.

They both smile and Christina closes the door. The bus flies off into the sky and the other passengers of Bus 200 cheer. The Doctor slips into the TARDIS.




Source : jpgr.livejournal.com

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