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Scott Foley Covers ‘ALIVE’ Magazine


True Blood newcomer Scott Foley is on the cover of a St.Louis based magazine, "ALIVE”. He appeared in the season 4 finale of TRUE Blood, but we’ll see more of him this season as Patrick Devins, one of Terry Bellefleur’s Marine buddies from his past.

ALIVE: You’re working on two very different projects right now with the start of “True Blood’s” fifth season and your new sitcom pilot, “The Goodwin Games.”
Scott Foley: They could not be more opposite! I mean, “True Blood,” even though it can be a little campy at times, is so far from a comedy. [Laughs.] Especially my story line—I’m an Iraq war veteran (Patrick Devins) with post-traumatic stress syndrome. “The Goodwin Games” is a laugh-line comedy. I play a young doctor—well, not as young as I once was!

ALIVE: Why did you decide to do “True Blood?”
SF: The way they film the show is really unique to me. I had only done network television before, and I always wanted to do a cable show. It’s such a huge cast, and it’s like shooting a big movie. [Foley's big screen credits include "Scream 3."] Most television shows are shot in seven or eight days, but “True Blood” has the luxury and the budget to shoot each episode in about 20 days. They take their time and really focus on the characters and story, and that was important to me. Plus, I have a Southern accent in this role, which I’ve never done on-screen before, so it was a great chance for me to stretch my wings that way. It was the right part at the right time.

ALIVE: Do you think you’ll get more fan attention because of “True Blood’s” devoted following?
SF: When I booked the part, there was some news on it, and the girls at my local Starbucks—who hadn’t cared less that I was in every day before—freaked out. That hadn’t happened to me since “Felicity”—we’re talking 12 or 13 years now.


Ecrit par Calyope 


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