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Interviews Ashley Jones

Soap Opera Weekly: How’s it going with TRUE BLOOD? Have you wrapped filming?
Ashley Jones: I’m still working on that, and it’s going really, really well. I’m loving every minute of it. There have been a couple of days where I work all night, and I drive straight to the set of B&B, and they’re like, “Oh, well, we’ll just touch you up,” and I can’t even take my makeup off! But those days are few and far between. And talk about quality problems — I should be so lucky! [Working on both shows], it’s definitely a quality problem to have.

Weekly: People have Bridget right now on B&B, and something to look forward to when TRUE BLOOD premieres.
Jones: We know it’s premiering in the middle of June, so we’re gearing up for that.

Weekly: It’s an intriguing opportunity, because people are invested in that show, and people are invested in B&B, and…
Jones:…hopefully we’ll get a few crossovers!

Weekly: Sure…why not pull the viewers in with some vampire references on B&B?!
Jones: Well, who knows? Maybe Brad (Bell, executive producer/head writer) will throw a couple in. He has to see it first.

Weekly: Then you can get a can of the Tru Blood drink and put it on the wet bar.
Jones: Or put in the fact that some of the [B&B] characters watch TRUE BLOOD!

Weekly: Yeah, you walk in, and it’s on the TV at Forrester.
Jones: That would be really funny!

Ecrit par Torchwood 
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