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Since last year, it’s been hard to escape the phenomenon that is True Blood. Vampires have been made cool again, biting is all the rage, and Stephen Moyer calendars are hanging on walls around our office the world. While Alan Ball has been responsible for bringing Sookie Stackhouse and co. to our screens, author of the novels Charlaine Harris is the real brains behind the world of Bon Temps. Recently, we caught up with her to talk all things TB.

What was your reaction when you were approached to take your books to the small screen?
“I’d been approached before and it hadn’t come to anything, so when that option arrived, I had three offers on the books. But of course, Alan’s was the most interesting! I was very excited when it looked like it was gonna gel.”


Have you been following the series?
“Yes I have!”


And what are your thoughts?
“I’m amazed! I love Alan’s creativity, I love the cast – I’ve just been very impressed with the way he’s stayed true to the spirit of the books. I’ve been with the characters for so long, but I admire the way they’re taking the parts and making them their own.”


Does Anna Paquin do a good Sookie?
“Anna Paquin does a fantastic Sookie! I was so excited when she wanted the role and I think she’s doing a wonderful job. It’s bizarre seeing famous faces acting out my characters – it’s very strange and I’m still trying to get used to it! But of course, seeing my name up there every week is quite a thrill!”


How does the series compare to the books?
“They’re very different in a lot of ways. The plot has been altered quite a bit and there’s more material that I didn’t write because they’re having to bring in the secondary characters and buff them up. There are some great differences, but as Alan promised me, he is staying true to the spirit of the books – and that’s what I wanted.”


Have there been any changes that you didn’t like?
“There have been some sub-stories that I wasn’t as nuts about as others, but there hasn’t been anything I’ve really hated. I wasn’t too keen on the voodoo story, but I see now why they introduced it in the second season. Once I saw it, it all made sense.”


Have you been involved at all in the series?
“Oh no – my involvement consists of my having written the books.”


Would you be up for writing an episode?
“No. I’m too busy! I know that sounds pretentious, but I can’t imagine trying to make the time for that.”


How many more Sookie Stackhouse books do you have planned?
“I don’t plan anything! I’m signed through book 13, and I’ll consider whether or not to finish the series probably when I’m writing the next book.”


Are you conscious that what you write may affect the television series?
“No. Alan doesn’t tell me how to write the books and I don’t tell him how to write the series and I’ll continue the series the way I think is best to tell my story. Of course, he’s telling a slightly different story.”


You’re contracted for 13 books. How long do you see the TV series running for?
“Well they’re contracted through season four, and I’m sure they’ll re-evaluate then.”


You’ve said before that you have no plans to turn Sookie into a vampire. Why is that?
“I just think it would be a betrayal of the character. That is totally unappealing to me.”


Finally, how likely is it that you’ll kill Sookie off in the last book?
“Killed?! Oh no, no, no! I don’t think you really need to worry about that!”

Ecrit par maria91 
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