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Joe Manganiello just came back from a trip to Italy where he said after 15 minutes there, he decided he had to learn Italian when he came back to America. The 33-year-old actor who plays hot-blooded werewolf Alcide Herveaux on “True Blood” is half Sicilian and discovered while he was in Italy his last name is very popular in Naples. What Manganiello didn’t realize though is that “True Blood” fans are truly every where–including theSistine Chapel. The actor, who just got engaged to his girlfriend Audra Marie, discusses why he always wanted to work with monsters, his geeky side and answers the ancient debate–“Who’s hotter…werewolves or vampires?”


Since “True Blood” how has your life changed?

“It’s changed in just about every way imaginable. It’s really great as an artist to get recognized for your work. Being on the hottest show on television and one of the greatest shows ever made, I’m completely overwhelmed by the amount of fans that love the show and love my character. There’s opportunities for travel that I never had before. I just got to go to Europe for the first time. For somebody who has worked in the business for over 10 years and been through the ups and downs that I have, to find the right part at the right time is incredible. I’ve had to beg people to watch a lot of the stuff I’ve done and I don’t have to beg anybody to watch this.”


Have any fans done anything wacky to get your attention?

“There have been some odd encounters. A woman asked me to lick her because she believed wolf saliva heals wounds. There was a FedEx guy who jumped out of his truck to get a picture with me. I was just in Rome at the Vatican. I was in the Sistine Chapel and you’re not supposed to talk or take pictures there and this couple came up to me in full voice asking me to take a picture with them right in the middle of it. I was at the Coliseum and got recognized. It’s amazing how far the show reaches. ‘True Blood’ fans are everywhere.”


I read that as a kid, you were never afraid of monsters. Do you think that prepared you in some way for the role you have now on “True Blood?”

“I loved monsters growing up and I would pray they would come out of my closet. I would ask them to. My mother would leave my bedroom door cracked open for the light to come in when I was really little and I would always yell at her to close the door because I wanted it dark. I wanted the monsters to come in. So now I am one and I couldn’t be happier.”


Were you a fan of Teen Wolf?

“I was a huge fan of Teen Wolf. And it’s funny that Alcide’s van looks eerily similar to the wolf mobile.”


Your abs are a big part of playing Alcide. Is there really a werewolf workout you do? 

“Yeah, my trainer Ron Mathews was responsible for getting Hugh Jackman in shape for X-Menand Jennifer Garner in shape for “Alias.” He came up with the program I’m on right now. Abs are really just about discipline. Abs aren’t a muscle group that are going to get huge. It really comes down to how far you want to go with the diet and cardio. It’s a very strict diet.”


What’s it like working with Anna Paquin?

“I was a big fan of Anna’s work beforehand. I was a big comic book nerd growing up. I read all the X-men comics. I was a big fan of her work in The Piano. I thought she was fantastic. I was also a fan of the movie Trick ‘r Treat, in which Anna played a werewolf. Getting to work with her is great and she’s one of those people who’s more impressive than you even thought.”


I heard you were a roadie and sang backup for Goldfinger. Will you ever start your own band?

“No. My buddy, the lead singer John, owns some Pinkberry stores in San Francisco and he just asked me to DJ an event for a Pinkberry opening. I DJ’ed in college and have an impressive vinyl collection.”


Do you think women are more attracted to werewolves or vampires?

“Everybody’s slept under the covers with somebody who had cold feet and when you feel those cold feet up against your legs, it makes you almost jump out of bed. I’d imagine that’s the way a vampire is all the time. I don’t know. It doesn’t seem too appetizing, but I talked to Charlaine Harris recently and she said she’d rather marry a werewolf. Plus, they could take you to brunch.”


What do you like to do when you’re not working?

“I’m a huge Pittsburgh Steelers football fan and I love going to the movies and seeing live bands. I love traveling.”


What’s the last great movie you saw?

“A documentary called Exit Through The Gift Shop. It’s about street art and how it has become the predominant modern art movement. It’s awesome.”


Besides “True Blood,” do you have a favorite HBO show?

“I am obsessed with ‘Eastbound & Down.’ I go crazy for it.”


Being Italian, what are your favorite foods?

When I’m training I don’t really get to eat much. It’s pretty much chicken, fish and filet. It’s a lot of meat and protein. I’m a big seafood guy. I love those classic wooden booth steak restaurants. I love a good steak and seafood.”


Have you made any friends on the “True Blood” set?

“Stephen’s awesome and he and I have become good friends along with Dennis O’Hare. I just saw him at the ‘Boardwalk Empire’ premiere in New York. We got to hang out. It really is like a family.”


Why are fans obsessed with your beard? NYmagazine.com wrote an entire article on it.

“I don’t know. I have a really good friend and when I got cast, he told me I was the luckiest actor because I got to have a beard. I don’t know what it is about the beard but it seems to be working.”


If there’s a full moon, do people expect you do something?

“If people are scared I’m gonna do something, then I’m really surprised. I’m a nice werewolf, not one of the evil ones.”


What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?

“I’m part Sicilian, part Armenian and other than my beard, I’m completely hairless. How that happened I have no idea.”

Ecrit par maria91 
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