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True Blood has been a cultural phenomenon since its debut on HBO. Each summer, it’s one of the most talked about shows on the air.

Joining the cast this season was Denis O’Hare as The Vampire King of Mississippi Russell Edgington. He made quite an impact instantly on the show, being an integral part of the plot.

Denis and the cast of True Blood was at Comic-Con 2010 over the past weekend, and after the event, he took time to speak to TVDoneWright.com about his experience there, and on the show. Here’s what he had to say.


Adam: You just came from San Diego for Comic-Con 2010. What was it like to be there representing True Blood? How was your first experience at the event?

Denis: Comic-Con was truly a trip and was a lot of fun. The best part for me was hanging out with other members of the cast – it was sort of a reunion.  Kristin Bauer, Joe Manignello, Nelsan, Rutina, Deborah, Stephen and Anna – we all got to spend some time together after being apart for almost a month.


Adam: Over the weekend, you must have many encounters with True Blood fans. Tell me about the most memorable or interesting encounter during Comic-Con.

Denis: It was my first time really being out and about as the actor who plays the King and it was wild.  I wasn’t mobbed but if I stood still long enough, folks would begin to gather round and then the cameras would come out and the crowd would start growing so I’d move on.



Adam: True Blood has some of the most devoted fans on TV today. Since joining the cast, people must recognize you on the street or in public. What’s the most common thing people tell you?

Denis: I get a variety of things – from someone bowing to me and saying “Your Majesty” to a stewardess who, when I told her that I’d have the chicken, said, “But you’re not supposed to eat”.  I”ve lived in my neighborhood in Brooklyn for 12 years and yesterday a woman on the street said to me, “What are you doing here?”.  I was like, “I live here”.


Adam: You were a fan of the series before joining the cast. Tell me about how you became King Russell. What was the auditioning process like?

Denis: I didn’t audition which was a very nice thing.


Adam: So you get the official word that you were cast as The Vampire King of Mississippi Russell Edgington, how did you learn the news? How did you celebrate joining the cast of True Blood?

Denis: I was shooting a movie in Budapest – a movie called “The Eagle” and it was evening in Budapest (7 hours ahead of NYC time) and I was strolling around trying to find a restaurant to eat in and worrying a little bit about the future when I got a call from my agent asking me if I wanted to play the vampire King of Mississippi on the hit show True Blood. I was truly floored.  I said yes of course.  I wanted to tell my boyfriend right away and so I called him but couldn’t get a hold of him and then I had to go to bed because I was shooting early in the morning so I had to sit with the knowledge without telling anyone till the next day.


Adam: What were your initial thoughts on your character? Did you know right away how you wanted to portray him?

Denis: Alan Ball gave me some very nice and clear directions on how to proceed.  He told me that Russell is a southern gentleman and is very charming and very deadly.  The hard thing about a character like this is that you’re creating in a vacuum – until you actually have a script in front of you, you don’t know how those traits will manifest and so it can be tricky.


Adam: You made your big debut by saving Bill Compton from a pack of wolves (or vice-versa) while riding a horse. Can you think of a grander entrance? I mean… on a horse, how awesome is that! (laughs)

Denis: It was definitely a great entrance.  I was already doing some horse riding in Budapest on “The Eagle” so I was in a horsey frame of mind. Short of riding in , I think dropping in from the sky or descending a grand staircase are the only things that come close.


Adam: We quickly find out about Russell’s motives. After each episode that goes by, we really see he’s one bad dude. And yet, most of the time he’s calm and suave. Tell me about that.

Denis: Russell has a fairly large arc – meaning he has to go to many places and so it’s best to start from a place of calm and then progress to something else.  As the session progresses, he will definitely lose it more often and we will see other, more extreme parts of him as he is required to step it up.  He’s not “bad” – he, like all characters has a point of view and an agenda and from his point of view, he only does what is necessary for the survival of the things and people (vampires) he loves.


Adam: Russell is pretty much tied to most of the storylines of the show this season. From the werewolves, to Bill, to Eric, to Sookie. As someone who just joined the cast this season, how does it feel about being such an essential part of the plot?

Denis: It’s an honor.  What is so smart about this season is that they have kept the focus very tightly on the main characters and in many cases, like my own, they have had the new characters intersect with more than one main character.  Also, this season explores more deeply the vampire power structure, which I think is always fascinating.  I think I would be more freaked out if I saw the whole plan laid out before me but we only see one script at a time and so only focus on one or two episodes at a time.


Adam: Also joining the cast this year James Frain, who plays the subtly psychotic vampire Franklin Mott. He’s actually been a fan favorite, despite being unstable. (laughs). What are your thoughts on Franklin?

Denis: I love Franklin and I love the actor who plays him James Frain.  Russell also loves Franklin – he’s as close as Russell gets to a friend or a confidant. That doesn’t mean that Russell sees him as an equal but it does mean that he is more honest with him than with any one else. Franklin is like another son.


Adam: Russell hired Franklin to get information on Bill. But it seemed that they had a past history. Tell me about their relationship and will we find out more about Franklin and Russell’s past?

Denis: Franklin and Russell go back quite a ways.  I can’t really say more than that.


Adam: Speaking of the past, all signs points to Russell having something to do with the death of Eric’s parents. But for now, Eric seems to be trying to get closer to the King. Does Russell have any idea of Eric’s intentions or his past?

Denis: Russell has been around for 2800 years.  He has killed so many people, has adopted so many guises, languages and accents that unless the event was truly memorable, he wouldn’t have any reason to remember that particular event.  As far as Eric goes, Russell is wary but susceptible to flattery and attention.  He has needs, fears, flaws just like anyone else and may be blinded by Eric but for unusual reasons – it’s not as simple as attraction.





Adam: Another vampire now on Russell’s bad side is Bill, who first you kidnapped, and then sent to death. Can we expect a potential showdown between the two?

Denis: Ohhh, there is definitely stuff coming up between Russell and Bill. The see-saw goes back and forth more than once.


Adam: This season we’re slowly learning more about Sookie. Russell is very intrigued in her. Tell me about Russell’s fascination with Sookie.

Denis: Russell is nothing if not cagey.  He has a nose for power and for potential.  He is used to using or exploiting any advantage and he sees that the Queen of Louisiana is interested in Sookie and therefore there must be something there.  He goes about trying to find out what Sookie can do for him – the answer is very very surprising and takes Russell to a very different place.


Adam: With your character interacting with so many characters, you’ve had the chance to work with most of the cast. So I thought it would be fun if I named a cast-member, and you gave me one phrase about them. Just a phrase! (laughs)


Anna Paquin (Sookie): Smart as a whip and funny as hell

Stephen Moyer (Bill): Wonderful, warm, witty.

Alexander Skarsgard (Eric):  Delightful, easy and fun.

James Frain (Franklin):  A leprechaun disguised as an Englishman.

Theo Alexander (Talbot): oh, so sweet, so rich, so dear.


Adam: Working on True Blood, what is the most challenging thing about playing Russell?

Denis: There have been many challenges – very script specific challenges.  Later on in the season, Russell is in some very extreme situation and those scenes were tough to do – harrowing and costly.


Adam: Despite the challenge, you seem to be having so much fun. What’s the best part of being a part of True Blood?

Denis: I am having fun – it’s a great job – one of the best I”ve ever had.  The best part of the True Blood experience is the cast and crew – it really is a great group and going to work everyday becomes a pleasure.


Adam: True Blood has a nasty habit of killing off their villains every season. Season 1 was Rene, Season 2 was Maryann. I’m hoping the pattern DOESN’T continue for Season 3 (laughs).

Denis: You and me both!


Adam: You’ve done a lot of TV work in your career. A fun fact, you’ve appeared on all three Law & Order shows (the original, Special Victims Unit, and Criminal Intent). I’m guessing you’re a fan of the franchise? (laughs). Tell me about that.

Denis: Yes, I love the L&O family.  I’ve done 7 episodes across three of them.  It’s always great being on L&O because you usually get a very juicy part – you’re the focus of the plot and there’s always going to be a big ole’ courtroom scene.  Since L&O is being cancelled, the new show that all New York actors flock to is “The Good Wife” which I’ve been lucky enough to appear on twice as a liberal judge.


Adam: Things are getting crazier and crazier as season goes along. What can you tell us about what’s in store for Russell during the rest of the season of True Blood?

Denis: Like everyone else in the show (and in life), Russell doesn’t necessarily know where he’s heading. He has an idea about what he wants to do but events and reality get in the way and he is diverted and taken to different places.  The ending is really quite shocking and a pretty far away from the elegant mansion where we first meet him.


Adam: I’m guessing you can’t tell us if you’re returning for season four, can you? (laughs)

Denis: Russell is 2800 years old and has been in many scrapes over the centuries – never count him out.


Adam: Finally, I ask this to all my interviewees. What have you been watching on TV lately?

Denis: OH Gosh – I’m cheating by catching up on things I should have watched years ago.  I watched all of The Wire (unbelievable) and I’m in season 5 of “The Shield” which I am loving loving loving.  C.C.H Pounder man!

Ecrit par maria91 
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