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How did you start writing these books?

I wrote conventional mysteries for many years. I’d written two mystery series which had done fairly well but hadn’t got me to where I wanted to be. I had a thinking session and decided to write about a woman who was dating vampires. I hoped a mystery with supernatural elements and romance would appeal to a broader readership than just mystery readers.


Was it a struggle selling it?

That was the hardest part. Writing the book was a joy, selling it was very difficult. It took my agent two years. People didn’t know where to place it – it didn’t quite fit into romance, mystery or science fiction.


Did you think of abandoning the idea?

No, I had a taste of what I wanted to do. The change of scenario was invigorating. With mysteries you have to have a dead body, clues and a denouement, and I found the conventions restrictive.


What do the readers expect from your books?

They want vampires, of course, and don’t mind seeing werewolves and fairies too. The younger readers like it when Sookie gets to have sex but that doesn’t happen in every book.


You wouldn’t know that from the TV show.

No, you wouldn’t. That’s where Alan Ball [True Blood’s producer] and I have a different approach.


What are the other differences between the books and the TV show?

There are extra characters on the show. We had to bring the other characters forward because Sookie can’t be on the screen all the time. Alan’s very talented. I had several offers to adapt the books and feel I went with the right person.


You’re very prolific – is it easy to churn them out?

I wrote two books a year for three years, which was hard. A book a year is easy. Some are hard no matter how many years’ experience you have. They become hard when I’m growing tired of the characters or can’t think of new things to do with them.


Do you have any unusual writing habits?

I’m quite disciplined. I go to my office at 8am and work until 4pm just like any regular office worker. My office is five feet from my house – it’s not a long commute.


What’s behind the current craze for vampires?

I wish I knew because I’d have done vampire books years ago. Vampires have always represented the erotic. There’s also been a growth in readership for urban fantasy novels that coincides with the current teenage fad for vampires.


How did you start writing?

I’ve always written things since I was in high school. When I married my second husband, I had the opportunity to write rather than keep on with office work. I took a creative writing class and the woman who taught the class worked at a very big publishing company and recommended they buy my book.


Have you always written mysteries?

Yes, I grew up reading mysteries. My whole family liked reading them. I was confident when I started writing that that was what I could do. Growing up I was a great fan of Jane Austen, Edgar Allan Poe and the Arthur Conan Doyle books.


What impact has the success of the show had on your life?

My bank account’s a lot healthier. It’s also fun to meet people from other walks of life, such as producers, directors, actors, wardrobe people. It’s interesting to see how it all works.


Does this kind of fiction attract a crazy fan base?

Most of my readers are the most delightful people you could meet. Every now and then I meet someone who is a little too invested in the story. I get people who get very upset if the story doesn’t go the way they want it to.

Ecrit par maria91 
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